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UpgradeFCP’s are physiotherapists working as part of the GP practice team and they provide a physiotherapy triage or MSK screening service. The vast majority of FCP’s are physiotherapists with enhanced skills.
FCP’s work alongside GP’s and they are able to help to assess, diagnose and provide early intervention and advice for patients with MSK complaints. They are also able to refer patients onto specialist services at the earliest opportunity if this is required. FCP’s therefore effectively take the load off GP’s, allowing GP’s more time to focus on other core areas within general practice.
Our FCP’s work collaboratively with their GP’s at all times to ensure an integrated service. This ensures that GP’s do not lose sight of the cohort of MSK cases or deskill them in any way. Our FCP service allows GP staff to see and refer directly into the physiotherapist’s diary, as well as tasking and communicating with the physio directly. The FCP therefore becomes the GP’s MSK practitioner, and GP’s have the opportunity to develop their own internal MSK pathway
ZoomPhysio is an established partner in the support of FCP contracts through the provision of digital healthcare for the relief of MSK conditions. We work with MSK practitioners, GPs, PCNs, CCGs and secondary care providers to deliver an end-to-end service for patients in general practice.